Podcast & Vlog
Tune in and get inspired.
Like bees to nectar the people and businesses we interview
are zeroing in on new ways to earn a living, serve their communities, and
become locally sovereign and independent.
Find out what they are doing, and what it means for the possibilities in your life.

These episodes can be found as videos and audios on the following video and audio-only podcast platforms:
Episode 1: Introduction to ParallelTimes.info
Episode2: Interview with Carly and Chase Thornock, Riverbed Ranch, OSR Intentional Community
Episode 3: Interview with Sarah Smith - Homeschooling: It's not what you think!
Episode 4: Radical gratitude as a tool for manifesting parallel society- with Charey K. Fox
Episode 5: HMR technique for healing anxiety and trauma - with Lance Rayborn
Episode 6: Conscious resistance and parallel society - with Derrick Broze
Episode 7: How to grow delicious, abundant, healthy food in a small space - with Brianne Bernsen
Episode 8: How to get your message out uncancelled, with Megan Greene of Patmos web development and hosting service
Episode 9: It's never too late for love (unjabbed), with Shelby Hosana, founder of Unjected.com
Episode 10: Turning your home into a small farm or mini-ranch to raise some or all of your own food, with Liam Davis, co-founder of www.GenesisHomesteads.com
Video podcasts:
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Audio-only podcasts:
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